Below you will find the list of thesis topics proposed for 2023 in STEP’UP.
If you are interested in one of the topics, you should get in touch with the person proposing it and consult the application procedure.
- List of thesis topics in Earth and Environment
Sujet n. Labo (équipe) Directeur (co-encadrant) Titre Financement T01 IPGP - Biogéochimie à l’Anthropocène des éléments et contaminants émergents Marc Benedetti, Charlotte Catrouillet, & Carole Cossu-Leguille Speciation, bioaccumulation and biological feedback: towards a new predictive model for the toxicity of metals and their cocktails Contrat doctoral ANSES T02 IPGP - Dynamique des fluides géologiques Julien Aubert Geomagnetic polarity reversals and Earth's thermal history Contrat CDSN T03 IPGP - Planétologie et Sciences Spatiales Sébastien Rodriguez Super-resolution mapping for Jupiter and Saturn icy moons: applications to future observations of JUICE and Dragonfly missions Contrat doctoral UPC/IPGP T04 IPGP - Sismologie Anne Mangeney & Bertrand Maury Interaction ondes-écoulements granulaires : simulation par éléments discrets Contrat doctoral UPC/IPGP ou CDSN T05 IPGP - Biogéochimie à l’Anthropocène des éléments et contaminants émergents Marc Benedetti Nanoparticle and Metal Ion Interactions with Pyrogenic Organic Matter in Wildfire-Affected Environments Contrat doctoral UPC/IPGP T06 IPGP - Géodésie Laurent Métivier, Zuheir Altamimi, & Maylis De la Serve ITRF, plate tectonic and climate change: what insights from geodesy station horizontal motions? Contrat doctoral UPC/IPGP+ contrat IGN
- List of thesis topics in Physics of the Universe 2024