Rules for training courses

The degree program supervisors for the Doctoral School are Irena Nikolic (for PhD at AIM, APC and LPNHE) and Cécile Prigent (for PhD at IPGP and ENS). These are the persons that PhD students should contact to prepare the Individual Training Project (PIF in French) and for the validation of training points.

Individual Training Project

As soon as you first enrol for your thesis, you have to prepare your Individual Training Project.  This should be submitted to the course coordinator and the administration of the Doctoral School.

The project can be modified during the thesis as your career plan develops. The project should be discussed during each meeting of the thesis monitoring committee and at each re-enrolment.

At each of these stages, it will be possible to evaluate the relevance and the scheduling of your training courses during the three years of your thesis.


Registration and validation

If you have contractual teaching duties

Translation carried out by the Masters 2 ILTS team