Thesis defence

You should start your administrative procedures two and half to three months before the scheduled date of your thesis defence. For further information, please contact the administration of the Doctoral School.

The rules for the thesis defence are decided by your affiliated university. These guidelines are provided on the following web pages:

Reminder of important deadlines, regardless of your affiliated university:

Before the defence

  • 3 months before the thesis defence: a list of proposed thesis examiners must be submitted to the Doctoral School (ED) administration for approval (Download excel file to be completed) : you should not contact members until the thesis committee list has been approved. Preparation of the pre-authorisation request (deadline and documents depend on the University).
  • 2 months before the thesis defence: the manuscript should be sent to the thesis examiners. The ED will contact them to set the deadline for the reception of the reports.
  • 1 month before the thesis defence: reception of the reports, thesis defence authorisation by the ED,  reception of all required files (Please be advised that you cannot submit your dossier during the summer vacation period, typically from 20 July to the end of August). 

                     UPC : send an electronic version of your manuscript using FileSender.

                     SU : send your manuscript on a disk included in the defence document.

                     PSL : send an electronic version of your manuscript using STAR.


How to re-enrol


The thesis manuscript


PhD thesis committee proposal 

3 months the scheduled defence date, you must submit the list of examiners established by your supervisor (including the names of the two ‘reporters’) to the Doctoral School administration (Download the excel file to be completed).

If you are a ENS-Paris student, once the thesis committee proposal has been approved by the Doctoral School, you must start the thesis defence process on ADUM and have your thesis committee approved by the ENS (you can refer to this document (in French)).

You or your supervisors should only contact the committee members and send in the thesis to the examiners once the Doctoral School (and the ENS, if you are enrolled at ENS) has accepted the proposal.



Rules for the constitution of a PhD thesis committee :


During the defence :

  • Signature of the minutes (all jury members except the thesis advisors).
  • Signature of the opinion on the reproduction of the thesis.
  • Sending of the report after defence.

After the defence :

  • Return of the defence file to the ED (by e-mail) and to the service des soutenances (by e-mail and mail).
  • Submission of the thesis manuscript after the defence (up to 1 month after the defence if no corrections are requested, 3 months if corrections are requested).
  • Issuance of the certificate of success by the DAC.

Translation carried out by the Masters 2 ILTS team