PhD topics in Earth and Environment 2025
To submit a PhD subject send back the following documents to
Sujet n. | Labo (équipe) | Directeur (co-encadrant) | Titre | Financement |
T01 | IPGP - Biogéochimie à l’Anthropocène des éléments et contaminants émergents | Marc Benedetti, Charlotte Catrouillet, & Carole Cossu-Leguille | Speciation, bioaccumulation and biological feedback: towards a new predictive model for the toxicity of metals and their cocktails | Contrat doctoral ANSES |
T02 | IPGP - Dynamique des fluides géologiques | Julien Aubert | Geomagnetic polarity reversals and Earth's thermal history | Contrat CDSN |
T03 | IPGP - Planétologie et Sciences Spatiales | Sébastien Rodriguez | Super-resolution mapping for Jupiter and Saturn icy moons: applications to future observations of JUICE and Dragonfly missions | Contrat doctoral UPC/IPGP |
T04 | IPGP - Sismologie | Anne Mangeney & Bertrand Maury | Interaction ondes-écoulements granulaires : simulation par éléments discrets | Contrat doctoral UPC/IPGP ou CDSN |
T05 | IPGP - Biogéochimie à l’Anthropocène des éléments et contaminants émergents | Marc Benedetti | Nanoparticle and Metal Ion Interactions with Pyrogenic Organic Matter in Wildfire-Affected Environments | Contrat doctoral UPC/IPGP |
T06 | IPGP - Géodésie | Laurent Métivier, Zuheir Altamimi, & Maylis De la Serve | ITRF, plate tectonic and climate change: what insights from geodesy station horizontal motions? | Contrat doctoral UPC/IPGP+ contrat IGN |
T07 | IPGP - Sismologie | Anne Mangeney & Alban Leroyer | Quantification de la perte de masse liée au vêlage d’icebergs en région polaire par une approche couplée modélisation numérique et sismologie | Contrat doctoral UPC/IPGP |
T08 | IPGP - Biogéochimie à l’Anthropocène des éléments et contaminants émergents | Eric Van Hullebusch & Dominique Guyonnet | Development of a numerical toolbox dedicated to the characterisation and remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated by per- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS) | Contrat doctoral BRGM |
T09 | IPGP - Cosmochimie, Astrophysique et Géophysique expérimentale | Razvan Caracas | How redox reactions shaped the early Earth’s secondary atmosphere | Contrat doctoral UPC/IPGP |
T10 | IPGP - Systèmes Volcaniques | Fidel Costa & Marina Rosas Carbajal | Numerical Modelling and Petrological Analyses of Phreatic Eruptions of Copahue Volcano (Argentina / Chile) | Contrat doctoral ANR |
T11 | IPGP - Systèmes Volcaniques | Fidel Costa, Jean-Christophe Komorowski & Carole Berthod | Understanding real-time monitoring data in terms of pre-eruptive magmatic processes to better constrain eruption forecasts | Contrat doctoral ANR |
T12 | IPGP - Planétologie et Sciences Spatiales | Stéphane Jacquemoud & Sylvain Douté | Hyperspectral remote sensing of the arid environments on Earth and Mars | Contrat doctoral UPC/IPGP |
T13 | IPGP - Planétologie et Sciences Spatiales | Philippe Lognonné | Deep Lunar interior seismic inversion with the FarSide Seismic Suite, Chang’E 7 and Apollo seismic data. | Contrat doctoral Académie Spatiale IDF & CNES |
T14 | IPGP - Planétologie et Sciences Spatiales | Antoine Lucas | Understanding Seismic Signals of Dense Granular Avalanches: Unveiling Dynamics and Patterns | Contrat doctoral UPC/IPGP |
T15 | IPGP - Tectonique et mécanique de la lithosphère | Marc Jolivet & Rémi Marsac | Concentration mechanisms of metallic elements in hyper-alkaline groundwater of the Okavango Delta: role and origin of dissolved organic matter. | Contrat doctoral UPC/IPGP |
PhD topics in Physics of the Universe 2025