* LabEx UnivEarthS Fall School

Dear colleagues,

The next edition of the LabEx UnivEarthS Fall School:

The Contribution of Space Science for Astrophysics and Geosciences
Will be held from 4 to 8 October in Toulouse

The LabEx UnivEarthS partner laboratories are involved in many space missions. The research topics are broad and numerous, ranging from Earth observation, solar system exploration, exoplanet observation, to the study of cosmic phenomena and fundamental physics.

By choosing this topic for this year edition of the Fall School, the LabEx UnivEarthS celebrates its contribution to space research, a fundamental field for broadening our knowledge of the world and its phenomenons.

The lectures will be given by Alexis Coleiro (APC), Gauthier Hulot (IPGP), Sébastien Rodriguez (IPGP) & Jean-Luc Starck (AIM). Visits to CNES laboratories and the Cité de l’Espace are planned.

The School is intended primarily for PhD and post-doctoral students, but remains open to all staff member from the LabEx UnivEarthS partner laboratories (IPGP, APC, AIM, ONERA). All expenses (transportation, accomodation, meals, visits) are covered by the School.

More information on the LabEx website

Registration here

Hoping to see many of you

Kind regards


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