The campaign for signing doctoral contracts in the context of “Initiative Physique des Infinis” at Sorbonne Université is open. This campaign is common to 8 institutes and 12 initiatives of Sorbonne University Alliance and aims art supporting interdisciplinary research and training through research.
The details of this first campaign (eligibility conditions, scientific context, calendar) can be found at:
ED560 thesis topics pre-selected and open for application from future PhD students until May 3rd, 2021:
- U25 : Préparation de l’analyse du cisaillement gravitationnel dans LSST à l’aide des données du télescope Subaru, directeur Pierre Astier (LPNHE)
- U23 : Recherche directe de matière noire avec le détecteur XENONnT, directeur de thèse Luca Scotto-Lavina (LPNHE)
NOTE: the deadline for submitting proposals for doctoral projects was scheduled on February 20th, 2021