In addition to the courses provided by the Doctoral School, it is recommended that you follow courses from other institutions, such as:
- Masters courses:
- Other Doctoral School courses:
- Other organisations such as:
- Collège de France: since oct 2023, there is a new procedure on how to register for a course:
- Sorbonne University training program
- Catalogue de formation de UPC
- Universite de Paris training program
- Doctoral School of the PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres) : Catalogue des formations Collège Doctoral PSL 2023_2024
- Doctoral courses at University of Paris Saclay
- ‘Association Science Ouverte Open Science’
- Ethics training in English:
Ethics and scientific integrity formation university of Bordeaux
It is important to note that it is up to you to find out which trainings are interesting for you, and contact the person in charge of the corresponding training as well as the your correspondent in the doctoral school, in order to validate that course.
Remember to ask for certificate of attendance for trainings outside the doctoral school.
- Translation carried out by the Masters 2 ILTS team