In 2024, 15 hours of lectures on Standard Model physics at Colliders by Prof. Matteo Cacciari, LPTHE and UPC
9:30-13:00 , May 13 – May 17 2024
Place: LPTHE library, Jussieu. 4th foor Tour 13
3 points
The lectures are meant to be of interest to theorists/phenomenologists and to experimentalists working on LHC physics, but PhD students in other fields with some basic knowledge of particle physics and quantum field theory will be able to follow.
The course will consist of a subset of the following programme. Several points can either be summarized quickly or become mini-courses in their own right.
1. Introduction to hadron collider experiments and their role in discoveries in particle physics. Overview of the LHC physics programme
2. Basic elements of hadron collider physics :
a. Kinematics of LHC events
b. Parton model: Drell-Yan and vector boson production
3. Background: gauge theories and the Standard Model
4. QCD
a. Basics
i. Factorisation
ii. Infrared and collinear safety
b. e+e- collisions
i. Radiative corrections
ii. Event shapes and resummation
c. Deep Inelastic Scattering
d. Parton distribution functions, DGLAP equations
5. Event generators (Parton Shower Monte Carlo’s – PSMC)
6. Drell-Yan
a. Radiative corrections
b. Resummation of the transverse momentum distribution of the vector boson
7. Higgs production in gluon fusion
8. Jet physics: clustering and substructure
9. Introduction to modern computational tools
a. NLO calculations and automation
b. Matching with PSMCs: MadGraph5_aMC@NLO and POWHEG
10. The frontier: NNLO calculations and beyond