Observational Cosmology

Observational  Cosmology

James Bartlett

When : !! Postponed June 23-27 2025 March 31st – April 4th 2025;  from 1pm to 5pm

Where : APC laboratory room TBA

In English

DS training points : 3 pts  

Informations: TRAINING CODE = ED-SPU-19-1

Foundations and goals of observational cosmology: the cosmic microwave background and dark energy


Cosmology is enjoying a continuing period of exceptional progress and fascinating discoveries thanks to a wealth of important results obtained over the past few years, in particular from the Planck mission and observations of large-scale structure. This progress and the success of the standard cosmological model delineate and motivate a number of key research directions that will drive the field in the coming years.

In this course, we will examine the foundations of the standard cosmological model and what we have learned from recent results. We will then discuss future observational projects and their goals.


  • Review of the standard cosmological model
    • Perturbation theory
    • Dark energy
  • Anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB)
    • CMB polarization
    • Primordial B modes and lensing B modes
  • Dark energy
    • Geometrical probes: SNIa, BAO, galaxy clusters
    • Geometrical-dynamical probes: lensing, galaxy clusters and RSD
    • Tests of gravity
  • The observational program for the coming years
    • The major projects
    • Where will we be in 5 years? in 10 years?