CKM matrix, CP violation and the fermion sector of the standard model
These lectures give a topical review of heavy flavor physics, in particular CP violation and rare decays. They will start with basics of the domain, a historical introduction, and the path towards our current understanding, including a brief description of the relevant experimental facilities. The lectures will describe the current status of the field, emphasize key results from previous experiments, discuss the motivation to study heavy flavor physics in the LHC era, review some selected topics in which new results are expected in the near future, and finally give a brief look at future projects. The course is intended for diverse audience, ranging from those who only have a basic knowledge of particle physics and wish to learn more about the domain to those doing research in flavor physics.
- Part 1: Historical and general introduction to the flavor physics
Strangeness, Cabibbo angle, prediction and discovery of the charm quark, the third generation, symmetries in particle physics, zoologie of processes and Feynman diagrams
- Part 2: The standard model in the fermion sector, the CKM matrix and CP violation
The flavor sector of the standard model and it’s free parameters, week isospin and hypercharge, the origins of the CKM matrix, CP violation in the standard model, the unitarity triangle, introduction to oscillations of neutral mesons.
- Part 3: B physics at different facilities
The B hadrons, spectroscopy, B decays, B physics at the Z pole: LEP, B physics at B factories, hadronic machines: Tevatron and the LHC, the super B factory (Belle 2).
- Part 4: Key measurements in flavor physics in the past, present and future, determination of the CKM parameters and the unitarity triangle, rare decays…
Introduction to measurements different key quantities: angles and sides of the unitarity triangle, CKM matrix elements, neutral meson oscillation parameters, non perturbative QCD decay parameters, B lifetime. Radiative and rare B decays, Dalitz-plot (amplitude) analysis, fits of the unitarity triangle, and other topics.
- Part 5: future of B physics
What is left to do and motivations for doing it, evaluation of different scenarios, physics in the next few years in LHCb and in the super flavor factory BELLE 2.
- Eli BEN-HAIM (Enseignant-chercheur, Sorbonne Université)
- dates et lieu: June 1 ,7, 8, 9 2022. From 9:00-13:15 at LPNHE. Salle des Conseils (1213-RC/SB-11) on June 1, 8 and 9. Salle des Seminaires (1222-RC/SB-08) on June 7
- Langue : English
- Validation : 4 points