Elements of statistics

All the information you need for the 2023-2024 course is summarized here:

These lectures will provide an introduction to the basic topics of probability and statistics for data analysis:

  • The concept of probability and the most common probability laws (binomial, Poisson, exponential, Gaussian…)
  • Parameter estimation: the method of moments, the Maximum Likelihood method, the chi-square estimator
  • Confidence intervals
  • Test of hypotheses: simple hypotheses, goodness of fit
  • The Bayes rule, the Bayesian approach to parameter estimation, and Monte-Carlo Markov chains

Several practical examples will be presented and hands-on tutorial sessions will be proposed.

Recommended books / Lectures recommandées :
R. Barlow, Statistics: A Guide to the Use of Statistical Methods in the Physical Sciences, Wiley - for beginners / niveau débutant 
F. James, Statistical Methods in Experimental Physics, 2nd ed., World Scientific - classic book / classique 
L. Lista, Statistical Methods for Data Analysis in Particle Physics, Springer - modern,concise yet complete/moderne, synthétique pourtant exhaustif 

Prerequisites / conditions préalables :
(Multivariable) Calculus / Calcul infinitésimal (Analyse vectorielle)

Informations: TRAINING CODE = SPU-STE-5

  • Marco Bomben (Enseignant-chercheur, Université Paris Cité)
  • Dates:   16-20 juin  juin 2025, 5 mornings (9h30-12h30)  and 5 afternoons (14h-17h)
  • Location :   salle 302A Condorcet, APC Laboratory
  • Langue : English
  • Validation : 4 points