> Quelques mots de présentation
Le Congrès des Doctorant·e·s Déconfiné·e·s (CD3), qui se tiendra le 1er juillet 2021 à l’IPGP (bâtiment Cuvier), est un projet à l’initiative des doctorantes et doctorants souhaitant mettre en place une version réduite de l’habituel Congrès des Doctorants, ou CDD, qui se tient chaque année. Cette version réduite permet de pallier l’absence de CDD en 2020 et en 2021 due à la crise sanitaire liée à l’épidémie de Covid-19.
Le CD3 est une opportunité exceptionnelle pour les étudiants et étudiantes en thèse de se rencontrer, d’échanger et d’exposer leurs travaux, afin de former une communauté soudée, essentielle à un environnement de travail sain.
L’absence des séminaires, workshop ou conférences internationales lors de cette dernière année a montré leur importance pour le bon déroulement des thèses. Ces évènements sont l’occasion de mettre en valeur ses travaux et d’interagir avec la communauté, un exercice indispensable pour mûrir sa réflexion scientifique. C’est en cela que le Congrès des Doctorant.e.s Déconfiné.e.s vient, à une plus petite échelle, inciter les étudiant·e·s à présenter leurs travaux et rencontrer leurs pairs.
Pour cette édition spéciale, le CD3 se tiendra sur une journée et consistera en une présentation de posters des doctorant.e.s de l’ED basée sur le volontariat uniquement. L’organisation par session sera intentionnellement sans thématique afin de mettre en valeur la diversité des sujets abordés au sein de l’École Doctorale et d’inciter au mélange des étudiant.e.s ne venant pas des mêmes laboratoires.
Venez nombreux !
> General information about the congress
The event is open to anyone! Even if you are not registered, you’re welcome to come and admire the astonishing posters of your fellow PhD students.
If you registered to present a poster, you should have received your session information by email.
If you did not yet RSVP: click on this link and fill the registration form to help us anticipate the amount of food and drinks needed (people who are registered will get priority access to the food and drinks offered by Hekla).
Planning of the day
9-10am: breakfast
10-1pm: first poster session
2pm-5pm: second poster session
From 5pm: closure party
How to come at the congress
The congress takes place at IPGP, 1 rue Jussieu 75005 Paris. The nearest metro station is Jussieu (Ligne 7 and 10).
Posters will be exposed on the ground floor of the IPGP, both inside and outside.
Members of the organisation team will be there to welcome you and guide you. If you have any trouble finding us, you can contact us at cd3@ipgp.fr
> Presenter information: all you need to know
How to make a poster
Your poster must be in english.
The poster format is A0 (1189 x 840mm).
We encourage you to check out the “Better Poster” format, to rapidly make an engaging and efficient poster. It really improves the quality of the conversations you will have at your poster, and drastically lowers the amount of work to make the poster, compared to a classic poster format. Check out those videos that explain in more details why it’s better, and how to make it: tutorial video (watch one, watch this one), introductory video, templates.
To select what is going to appear in your poster, you can follow the tips of Isabelle Grenier, try to answer these questions:
What is your research topic? What must the audience know? What were you hoping to find out and why? Which route did you take? What have you found? Why is it important?
How to present my poster
Once your poster is all done and printed, bring it at the beginning of your session to pin it up on a board. Present your work like a reporter with TAKE HOME messages, as if you were « selling » your work, and the most important: just have fun sharing your work!
How to print my poster
Here’s some general tips…
If using Adobe Illustrator, vectorize all text (select all, Text Menu → Vectorize) before saving in PDF format.
If the file size is above 75 Mo,you can reduce the size with no quality penalty with Acrobat Professionnel (Documents → Reduce file size).
Be careful about the font sizes: text under 18 pts will not be readable.
Posters must be printed in your own laboratory. Each lab has its specificities:
- for APC — On the website: https://supportapc.in2p3.fr/: Open a ticket in the type « User support (informatique) » in the category « poster ». In the ticket one should put the PDF file to print.
- for LPNHE — Reprographie de Jussieu, near Esclangon next to the post service. Contact: Yves MATHIEU, 4 place Jussieu | 75252 Paris cedex 05, 01 44 27 72 13 |yves.mathieu@sorbonne-universite.fr
- for IPGP — The file must be a PDF file, and A0 format. Two printers (linked to computers) are available in the reprography room (room 2200). Precise information is available there.